Trip Couple Community
We are so fortunate to grow and be a part of a community, we often refer to us our family. Trip Couple Community or in short #TCC is a group of dreamers from all part of the world uniting under the common interest - travel.
Listen to one of many proud TCC members below.
“Exactly one year ago, I met this incredible couple who is wandering in and around The United States of America - Sanjay and Riya. They started their WhatsApp group expecting curious and amazing travelers from all around the world. Among them, I was one. Quite strange it was at first, being in a group, where everyone is strangers. And now we are a family, we are TCC.
They proved that traveling as a couple can present unique challenges and advantages on top of the exhilaration and standard stress that accompanies long-term travel. Unlike other couples, they had this immense energy and positivity which is too contagious.
Our group is a joint family where everyone is very close to each other, loving, caring and supporting or each other. They traveled across the US and its neighboring states, not just for site seeing or leisure but to feel what’s in nature, to accept the emerging technology, to meet and greet new people, to explore the different cultures and ultimately, to make us feel and enjoy what they see. For that, they made videos wherever they go. This was the official start of the YouTube channel - Trip Couple. With more 20,000 followers on YouTube and 50,000 followers on Facebook, they are making the videos in 4K quality which is quite better than other travel blogs in case of quality and performance.
For the past one year, we all in the group have been watching them supporting each other, planning new trips, inspiring everyone, passing their love and infectious energy to everyone they meet. It’s been an amazing journey with them and with my fellow group members. We always look forward to meeting them once and go for the most amazing adventure trip we ever had. Just like me, everyone in the group has this same wish exactly.”